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Illustration proces - Prototypical Flight

Big ol' vector sketch
Big ol' vector sketch


I wanted to share with you how I make my illustrations.

As you can see, I usually start with big general vector shapes, just to get the composition and the idea right.

Adding details
Adding details

And here I'm adding a bit more detail, some more gradients, a bit more shine and glow, and of course, some texture. Textures I usually add in Photoshop with a broad brush.

Going vertical
Going vertical

I often reach a stage where I need to make significant revisions, typically because I'm dissatisfied with the colors or, as in this instance, both the colors and the proportions. Since it's a plane, I wanted to emphasize the vertical aspect more.

You can see i also use brushes to add some texture work on the individual elements in the illustration.

And in the final fase, i tweak everything. Just small little adjustments. I increased the size of the plane, added a whole bunch more glow.

And tada! You've got a snazzy little pic.

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